Timeless beauties – Women in Art and Film

Women In Art by Eggman913

A mesmerizing video portraying 500 years of females in Western Art. Cool neat morphing between the images. The creator of the video did a good work of encapsulating different styles which make the presentation more interesting. Sometimes the transition creates interesting effects.

Women In Film by Eggman913

Another one showcasing 80 years of female portraits in cinema.

Follow the eyes for an enchanting effect! 🙂

The Science of Sleep

I am eagerly waiting for the French Director Michel Gondry’s [IMDB] new movie Science des rêves, La or The Science of Sleep DVD [Movie Website]!

Here goes the trailer from YouTube

The last movie by Gondray was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) – and I was mesmerized by that!! Michel Gonddry moves between reality and imagination effortlessly in his movies. Neither wholly cynical nor wholly romantic, Eternal Sunshine… is a balance of smarts and sentiment. It’s the most fully realized working out of his two favorite obsessions: the subjective nature of experience and the psychological mysteries of pair bonding. Like the lovers in “Human Nature,” “Sunshine’s” Joel and Clementine are guided by their synapses and hormones, but it is the willfully amnesiac heart, which forgives what it can’t forget, that sets the true course of love.

In case you forgot about that or haven’t watched yet – here goes a synopsis. Eternal Sunshine… is written by mt favourite screenplay writer Charlie Kaufman

The image “https://i0.wp.com/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/62/Eternal_sunshine_of_the_spotless_mind_ver3.jpg/200px-Eternal_sunshine_of_the_spotless_mind_ver3.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Emotionally withdrawn Joel Barish (Carrey) and Clementine Kruczynski (Winslet), a dysfunctional free spirit, meet for what they think is the first time on a Long Island Rail Road train from Montauk to Rockville Centre. They are unaccountably drawn to each other despite radically different personalities.

As it turns out, they were once sweet-hearts, but after two years their relationship was in a decline. After a nasty fight, Clementine stormed out of Joel’s apartment and impulsively hired a New York firm called Lacuna, Inc., to erase all memories of him. Joel was devastated when he found out what she had done and decided to undergo the procedure himself. However, while unconscious and having his memories of her erased, he rebelled, realizing he wanted to hang on to his memories of her after all. Much of the film takes place in Joel’s mind as he tries to figure out how to preserve some memory of his love for Clementine. We watch their love and courtship go in reverse, as the memories are slowly erased while Joel tries his best to resist the procedure and hide inside his own mind.

In separate and related story arcs, the employees of Lacuna are revealed to be more than peripheral characters, in scenes which further demonstrate the harm caused by the memory-altering procedure. Mary (Dunst) turns out to have had a relationship with the married doctor who heads the company (Wilkinson), a relationship which she agreed to have erased from her memory when his wife discovered the affair. Once she learns of this, she steals the company’s records and sends them to all of its clients. Patrick (Wood), lonely and socially inept, became fixated on Clementine and uses the personal mementos that Joel Barish gave to Lacuna as part of his “erasure” process in order to seduce Clementine. These romantic entanglements turn out to have a critical effect on the main story-line of Joel and Clementine’s relationship.